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At Kassassin on the 9th of September 1882, Lord Wolseley’s army was forming for the advance on Tel-el-Kebir when the Egyptian army attempted to turn the British flank. The 13th Bengal Lancers greatly distinguished themselves by helping to check this manoeuvre at what became known as the Second Battle of Kassassin.

For the Battle of Tel-el-Kebir the 13th Bengal Lancers formed the van of the cavalry on the right and moving into action at 4:40 a.m., passed through the rebel position to swing on their rear. Resistance ceased about 6 a.m., and part of the 14th Bengal took part in Drury Lowe’s daring ride to capture Cairo.

50 13th Bengal Lancers
50 13th Bengal Lancers Sale price$0.00 NZD