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Zulu War Series

On 21st January, 1879, the central column of Lord Chelmsford's three-pronged invasion into Zululand was attacked at Isandhlawana by 20,000 Zulu warriors. Included in the 1,700 British troops and native allies killed in the successful surprise attack were 581 men and 21 officers from five companies of 1st/24th and one company of 2nd/24th Foot.

The following day the Zulu reserve of 4,000 men marched on to attack Rorke's Drift, held by Company B, 2nd Battalion, 24th Foot, who for their gallant defense, gained the distinction of being the regiment to have won the most Victoria Crosses in one action: seven.

The set features three quite dynamic poses of the 24th foot in action.  Two of the figures are in shirtsleeves, and one has a bandage on its head.

82 24th Foot, 1879
82 24th Foot, 1879 Sale price$0.00 NZD