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In the spring of 1862, West Pointer John Gibbons was assigned to command the Army of the Potomac’s only all western brigade, composed of the 2nd, 6th and 7th Wisconsin and the 19th Indiana Regiments.

Whilst developing the brigade to a high efficiency, Gibbons also distinguished the appearance of his soldiers with the issue of their classic uniform – dark blue frock-coats, ‘Hardee’ hats, light blue trousers and white gaiters – to become famous as the “Black Hat Brigade” and the “Iron Brigade of the West”.

In action at Second Bull Run, the brigade lost 58% of its original strength, and was joined by the 24th Michigan prior to Antietam. After the actions at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, the high casualties inflicted on the brigade at Gettysburg destroyed the original Western brigade.

A24 Iron Brigade, Colour Party
A24 Iron Brigade, Colour Party Sale price$0.00 NZD