When in June 1882, Arabi Pasha led a rebellion against the Khedive of Egypt, his declared nationalistic aim was to rid Egypt of all Europeans, and to seize or destroy the great Maritime Canal. With Europeans being massacred, Britain alone took the initiative to protect further lives, and the essential sea route to the Far East.
Sir Garnet Wolseley was asked to prepare a plan of campaign, one which ultimately suited Britain’s imperialistic ambitions in lower Egypt.
Arabi began to reinforce the defences of Alexandra which on 11th July were bombarded by the British Navy, and occupied by Naval landing parties, with the aim of harassing the rebels until the arrival of the expeditionary force, which started landing on 10th August.
HS2 is a 40 piece set which includes 9 men standing firing, 9 kneeling firing, 8 ‘on guard’, 8 charging, 2 pipers, 1 drummer boy, 2 officers, 1 mounted officer.
This set is based upon contemporary artwork that records the highlanders' assault on the Egyptian defenses at the Battle of Tel-el-Kebir, 1882.
Presented in a wooden box, with two layers of soldiers, these sets recalled a bygone era in the art of the toy soldier.
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