New Napoleonic sets into production
- 151 and 151a Pavlovski Grenadiers 1806. These beautiful figures are the first produced by Imperial with the mitre cap that was the hallmark of the Pavlovskis, a Russian regiment that fought against Napoleon’s forces. The figures are shown in their 1806 uniforms, as the mitre cap had been abolished by the time of the Battle of Klyastitsy in 1812, but are otherwise modelled after Peter von Hess’ painting “Battle of Klyastitsy”, as below.

Set 151 comprises an officer and five men, while 151a comprises six men advancing.
- 152 Scots Greys, Waterloo 1815. This is a set of three mounted cavalry charging with raised sabres and was modelled after the iconic painting “Scotland Forever” by Lady Butler (Elizabeth Thompson). The set showcases the bearskin caps and grey mounts which were the trademarks of the Scots Greys: “second to none”.
Mark and Bridget